Have you ever considered the impact of your departure from an organisation, team, or department on your long-term career?
Whether you're moving on to another organisation, team, or department, it's crucial to approach your departure professionally and with a long-term perspective in mind. Your career is not a short game, but a strategic journey, and how you handle your offboarding process can have a lasting impact.
In this episode, we'll explore three key aspects of offboarding with class.
We'll discuss the importance of maintaining professionalism during your notice period.
We'll highlight why it's essential to preserve your working relationships and the value of constructive feedback.
So, let's dive in and discover the strategies to ensure your offboarding process reflects your professionalism and long-term career goals.
PS - Are you picking up what I’m putting down? Let’s work together! Here are 3 ways to work with me:
Get started with the 'Transform your Career' Online Accelerator Course.
Book a FREE coaching call with me.
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