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Ready to Create a Career built More on Happy and Less on Hustle?

Stop feeling stuck in a job you don’t enjoy and make a change today. 
The Transform your Career Accelerator AKA the 'Less Hustle, More Happy Career' is a 6 week online career program for professional women who are ready to regain control of their career once and for all. For women who are sick of working hard and hoping someone will notice. 

It's time to go from being just another employee, to an ‘in demand’ asset. More importantly, it's time to go from a career built on hustle, to one built more on finding your happy, AND still getting results for your team or organisation.
I see you. 
On your fourth coffee break☕ for the day, counting down the minutes until 5pm. You know you’ve got a mountain of work to do, but you’d rather do almost anything else.
Or, maybe you take a little longer in the bathroom each time scrolling your phone, looking at aaaallllllllll the other activities you’d rather be doing right now. The other jobs you wish you had instead. 
You don’t feel seen, heard or valued at work. 
You feel underutilised. In a weekly grind of 'busy-ness', but also counting down the days and hours until it’s Friday each week. And then that overwhelming sense of anxiety that sits on your chest on Sunday night knowing you’ve got to do it all over again week after week. Year after year. 

You made this choice though - this career pathway - so you’ve got to stick with it you keep telling yourself.
Imagine how your life would change if you had a career where you actually felt fulfilled? Motivated? Valued? One that aligned with your career values?
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What if you woke up each day with a renewed sense of energy. Your relationships were better because YOU were happier. Your mental and emotional health improved because you felt more enthusiastic and challenged.
You were being heard more, earning more, and you felt valued for your expertise.
Your confidence in who you are and the value that you bring skyrocketed because you finally knew what your unique strengths were and you were actually able to use them. 
What you NEED my friend is a career game plan.
A game plan that removes the long hours and hard slog, and replaces it with career success without burning out. Transform your career and incorporate more happy and less hustle in just 6 weeks.
I know you probably feel like you’re already doing *all* of the things.
You’re working long hours. Taking on more work. Juggling meeting after meeting. You’re hitting the deadlines. Delivering on projects. SO. MANY. PROJECTS.
Yet, you’re still being overlooked for that promotion or opportunity you want. 

And not getting the pay-rise you know you deserve. 

You’re not being ‘sought out’ as the person who’s ‘in the know’. Instead, you're the go-to person who’s guaranteed NOT TO SAY NO. Because you don’t want to disappoint. So you keep saying yes. 
➡️ Yes, to another task. 
➡️ Yes, to another project. 
➡️ Yes, to another item on your to do list. 
➡️ Yes, to taking on work someone else hasn’t prioritised. 
Because here is the tough truth. 
❗You’re sabotaging yourself. ❗
Without someone showing you where you need to focus your efforts, you’re likely to continue doing what you’ve always done. 

Continuing to waste effort, energy and enthusiasm on things that really aren’t going to get you where you want to go.
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Imagine if your hard work could be channelled into the RIGHT areas and saw you get the RESULTS you’re really craving?
With the Transform your Career Accelerator, AKA 'The Less Hustle, More Happy Career', get ready for your work to be seen more. Heard more. Valued more. 

Go from just hoping your work will speak for itself, to having a proven career game plan. Ensuring you achieve the career you REALLY aspire to. Not just the job you feel stuck in because you’ve been here for ages. 

Ready to make it happen? ????????

You can, in just 6 short weeks.
Hey there! I’m Claire.
Global Career and Leadership Coach. Speaker. Author. Travel Addict. Mini-Sausage Dog Mumma. Belly laugher. Pinot Noir sipper.
If you’re a woman ready to put yourself in the driver’s seat of your career and experience career success beyond what you imagine for yourself, you’ve come to the right place.

Just like you, I’ve experienced moments of self-doubt, imposter syndrome and overthinking throughout my career. I’m here to tell you you’re not alone and you can make a change with me cheering you on every step of the way.

I’m a globally accredited and recognised Career and Leadership Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author with over 16 years experience. I started Eating your Cake too in 2018 while working full time as General Manager of Human Resources for a large national retail and ecommerce business with an incredible team supporting me. Almost 6 years later, I’ve worked with incredible women and organisations all over the world. And I’m just getting started.
claire lean against wall
Introducing the...
Transform your Career Accelerator AKA 'The Less Hustle, More Happy Career'
A 6 week accelerator for ambitious professional women who don't have time to waste and are ready to take control of their career success.

In this 6 week practical and high impact program you’ll;
Step back and take a big picture view of your career by working out what YOUR personal definition of career success is, and whether your current efforts are getting you closer to it, or further away.
Learn the 5 key career pillars that will cement your career success both now AND in the future.
Uncover the stories that you’re telling yourself and the key career traps you’re falling into that are hindering you from being a ‘go-to expert’ in your Organisation. You’ll unpack the stories that are getting in your way of achieving your career goals.
Create a Career Game Plan unique to you and designed to ensure you’ll maintain credibility, authority and enthusiasm wherever you go.
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What's involved:
6 weeks and over 35 video tutorials all designed to help you take charge of your career. Each tutorial video expertly dives deeper into a specific topic and concept that you need to know for your personal career success. (Value $3000)
6 Practical Workbooks for each week in the accelerator to help you turn your learnings into action. (Value $294)
Plus 3 Exclusive Bonuses Designed to Help You Build a Career that You Feel Proud Of
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BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access to Tutorials
You'll get lifetime access to over 35 expert video tutorials each crafted to give you the proven tools and strategies that you need to be driving your career forward. Your access also includes workbooks and sneaky bonuses along the way. (Value $597)
BONUS #2 - Get What You Want at Work Online Kit
Ever wanted to ask for a pay rise, a title change, paid study support, or even more flexible working hours, but you just aren't sure where to start? The Get what YOU want at Work kit gives you copy and paste email templates straight from real success stories, conversation scripts for you to rehearse and prepare with BEFORE you meet with your boss, plus summary checklists, scenario planning activities, reflection questions and SO MUCH MORE. You’ll never have to worry again about how to ask for what you want. (Value $297)
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BONUS #3 - Private Pod Access to Maximise Your Network
As you’ll learn in the program, performance is just one part of your overall career strategy. Relationships are critical - both inside and outside your Organisation. That is why, I’ve created an extra bonus as part of this program to allow you to build your network with other like-minded, ambitious women all ready to share wins, lessons, learnings and opportunities. (INVALUABLE)

So... what are you waiting for?

Option #1: From Hustle to Happy
$998 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $499
Smash your Career Goals for just $166 per week
6 weeks and 35+ expertly crafted online tutorials (Value $3000)
6 Practical Workbooks for each week in the accelerator (Value $294)
BONUS 1: Lifetime Access to the learning portal So You Can Play Them Back as needed (Value $597)
BONUS 2: Get what you want at Work Kit (Value $297)
BONUS 3: Access to our Private community on LinkedIn to ask questions, enjoy bonus LIVE sessions, learn from others, AND cultivate your network with like-minded people (Invaluable)
Option #2: VIP 'Future Proofing Yourself'
$1650 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $850
Everything in Option #1
1:1 60 Minute Private Career Strategy Session with Claire (Value $650)
Enhance your career and leadership impact even further with an exclusive invitation to work with Claire privately in one of her invite only coaching programs following completion of the program.  

Here's what others are saying...

What I gained from this programme is the strength to align myself with my career aspirations. I had a view of where I was, and what I needed to build on. Working through the 5 Pillars in an organised way has allowed me to makes sense of my journey so far, and lock in my career strategy moving forward.
kelly cushman
Kelly Cushman
This program helped me refocus my priorities, and have me some of my confidence back knowing I can do it all with the right tools, the right might set & the right people in my “court” supporting me. Claire also enabled me to reset where I want to be, truly understand what is important to me in a role & start focusing on where I add value which will give me the right conversation tools me to get that next role.
Thank you for this program Claire, it was everything I wanted, needed & more!
dainka burns
Danika Burns
Thank you Claire for creating this environment and for guiding us through the program. I now feel confident to take on any challenges that may arise, knowing that there is always the safety net of these resources and the support from the group.
laura cornall
Laura Cornall
Here’s how my 6 week program will take your career from 'blah' to beaming
You NEED a strategy to set you up for success. Here’s what I’ll teach you in our 6 weeks together where you’ll transform the way you view your career.
Week 1 - Know Yourself, Set Your Vision
We’ll define your unique definition of success - what is it, why does it matter to you and how will you achieve it? In order to achieve the goal, we must know what success looks like first. 

We’ll also take a deep dive into your current thought patterns and how they may be hindering the way you are showing up at work and the results you’re getting.
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Week 2 - Your BOLD Brand

You'll explore your current brand, and I give you strategies for how you can define your own thought leadership. We then look at how visible you are currently and ways we can further elevate your professional brand internally and externally to your company.

Note: this isn’t about being the loudest person in the room. I’ll share with you a number of proven strategies for increasing your visibility and authority, even if you are a self-proclaimed introvert.

Week 3 - Accelerating Growth Through Relationships
Now that you have clarity on what your definition of career success is, who you are as a leader, your strengths, and what you stand for, we are going to build on that momentum and look at your professional relationship currency and network as part of your future proof career strategy.
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Week 4 - Implementation Week
This week is all about ACTION! Implementation week gives you an opportunity to catch your breath, and most importantly reflect on your biggest learnings thus far. What have you implemented, and what results are you seeing? 
Week 5 - Performance Currency
Think great performance is just about hard work? Think again. This week we talk about how just working harder and taking on more tasks is not enough to get you where you want to go. We look at ways you can showcase your achievements and wins without it feeling ‘ikky’.
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Week 6 - Staying Relevant
You’ve got the key pillars in place to take action and propel you forward in your career, but how are you making it future fit? This week looks at how you can analyse your own career pathway and industry and make sure you remain relevant in a world that is rapidly changing.

I'm ready!

Option #1: From Hustle to Happy
$998 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $499
Smash your Career Goals for just $166 per week
6 weeks and 35+ expertly crafted online tutorials (Value $3000)
6 Practical Workbooks for each week in the accelerator (Value $294)
BONUS 1: Lifetime Access to the learning portal So You Can Play Them Back as needed (Value $597)
BONUS 2: Get what you want at Work Kit (Value $297)
BONUS 3: Access to our Private community on LinkedIn to ask questions, enjoy bonus LIVE sessions, learn from others, AND cultivate your network with like-minded people (Invaluable)
Option #2: VIP 'Future Proofing Yourself'
$1650 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $850
Everything in Option #1
1:1 60 Minute Private Career Strategy Session with Claire (Value $650)
Enhance your career and leadership impact even further with an exclusive invitation to work with Claire privately in one of her invite only coaching programs following completion of the program.  
Get ready to feel enthusiastic and empowered to turn your career dreams into reality!

I want you to feel confident that you have the tools and strategies in place to ensure you don’t ever have to feel undervalued, underutilised and unhappy in a job again. 

I want you to know the key levers you need to pull consistently to make sure you’re heard, seen and noticed. 

Together, we’ll have you going from stuck, to in control of your career

I’ll help you tackle your challenges and cheer on your successes through our private pod channel. 

I’ll be there for you to ensure you take action and get out of your own way.

I’ll be giving you all the best gems that I know to ensure you can get what you want at work NOW.

So, for just $23.78 a day... you are getting access to a career blueprint that most people wait their entire careers before they realise what they really needed to be doing.
You’ll also have access to someone who has been on the INSIDE in organisations and knows who the people are that get the opportunities to grow and to lead. The promotions. And the pay rises.

And I share it allllllllll with you.

Really - can you afford not to take this opportunity?

Don’t hold yourself back further creating a career that both feels good AND you can get results from.
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Let's do it!

Option #1: From Hustle to Happy
$998 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $499
Smash your Career Goals for just $166 per week
6 weeks and 35+ expertly crafted online tutorials (Value $3000)
6 Practical Workbooks for each week in the accelerator (Value $294)
BONUS 1: Lifetime Access to the learning portal So You Can Play Them Back as needed (Value $597)
BONUS 2: Get what you want at Work Kit (Value $297)
BONUS 3: Access to our Private community on LinkedIn to ask questions, enjoy bonus LIVE sessions, learn from others, AND cultivate your network with like-minded people (Invaluable)
Option #2: VIP 'Future Proofing Yourself'
$1650 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $850
Everything in Option #1
1:1 60 Minute Private Career Strategy Session with Claire (Value $650)
Enhance your career and leadership impact even further with an exclusive invitation to work with Claire privately in one of her invite only coaching programs following completion of the program.  

More raving reviews!

The TYC Accelerator program is exactly what I needed to identify why I was feeling lost and how to develop the skills to get myself to the next phase of my career and of the self sabotaging hamster wheel
beck lewis
Beck Lewis
It truly has been an amazing experience and the resources that you have provided are well thought out and really have been great tools to help work through the concepts.

I also wanted to say that personally I am always impressed with how you can in the moment connect what someone is saying and tie it back to the discussion. This is truly a facilitation art that you have mastered.
melanie dulcholke
Melanie Dulcholke
Really enjoyed the program and especially todays session. I get a lot from doing the activities and really looking inside on what are my strengths are and brand me.
anastassiya onanchenko
Anastassiya Onanchenko

More raving reviews!

This Pod has been the best kick start to the year! Such a wonderful group of courageous and compassionate HR professionals who truly understand the best and worst of working in this people-centric role. Thank you Claire Seeber for creating this and keeping me sane!

Shoshanna Mitchell HR Power Pod Participant

Shoshanna Mitchell

Claire has an ability to see through what you are feeling, or what is holding you back (even if its yourself) and find the path for you to start navigating your way through. Claire won't walk your path for you but she will get you on your way!! Claire has "fire" she will work until you succeed because that's what drives her - Claire gives her all to anyone who needs her - just an unforgettable lady!! No doubt!

kelly cushman

Kelly Cushman

This pod gives me the boost of confidence that I need to keep showing up. Just knowing you aren’t alone and having a group of like-minded people to talk has been a game changer for me!

Mike Carter HR Power Pod Participant

Mike Carter

Today was definitely what I needed. If I’m honest, I came into today’s session with a conscious thought that I would just observe and listen. I’m not sure what happened, but it didn’t pan out that way. That spark of energy this morning, kept me energized throughout today and I felt I coped better with everything that was thrown my way

Elisha Parks HR Power Pod Participant

Elisha Parks

I have been so impressed with this course, Claire. After being made redundant from a job I loved and an employer of 10 years, I felt quite lost when I first reached out to Claire, fast forward 5 months and I have all the tools, confidence & genuinely excited to put myself back out there knowing what I want out of my next role.

Claire isn't just great at helping you to get out of your way but a lovely person to work with. She gets what you are going through! If you think you might need help, you probably do and I couldn't recommend Claire high enough!

Grace Gorman - Elka Collective

Grace Gorman

What an inspiring and self-revealing six weeks. Claire is an excellent facilitator and guides the conversation where yourself and others can truly discuss, share and learn from one another. A safe community to strip back the roles and titles we all have hang over us in the HR profession and meet as supporters of each other. Our profession brings people together in a group like this, but with Claire seamlessly moving the discussions between all of us, a small community of support is unknowingly built.

Karla Kochan HR Power Pod Participant

Karla Kochan

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the program for?

This high impact, hands-on accelerator is for driven, ambitious professional women who are ready to take immediate action to drive their careers forward, and who also want sustainable career success coupled with confidence and clarity.

It is for people who have been taught that working hard is the only way to get ahead. I'm here to tell you that its not. 

The program works best if you are at least 3 years into your career and have some professional experiences to draw on.

How much time will I need to complete the program?

You’ll need approximately 1 hour for the weekly tutorial videos and at least 1-2 hours to work through your workbooks and implement the lessons each week. You’ll also need to stick with it for the whole 6-weeks (and beyond!) to get results.

If you do get behind, no problem, as you'll have lifetime access to the videos and workbooks.

As with anything, the more time you have to invest in your growth, the better results you’ll see.

What happens once I sign up and how does an online course work?

Once you sign up and confirm your payment, you will receive access to the learning portal where everything you need in the accelerator is located. 

From there, your first weeks videos will be ready for you, as well as your welcome video, and your EPIC sneaky bonuses. 

All of the content is accessible via your member portal — from video modules with key actions and tasks for you to implement to workbooks so that you can track and work through what you need to.

Throughout the course we’ll be connecting in the Private Pod Linkedin group, talking about what you’re going through and seeing how we can help.

Together we’ll help you stay accountable so that you get the most out of the course and don’t lose your momentum.

I'm not in australia - does that matter?

No it doesn’t; as this is delivered online and at your own pace, through the learning portal. You can access it from anywhere there’s a WiFi signal.

what can i expect to get out of this?

Although I’ve designed the program for maximum impact, what you get out of it is totally up to you.

The women I’ve worked with who have done the work, dug deep to get really honest about what’s holding them back and then stepped into their worth, have experienced the results of that. Things that include: promotions, pay rises, secondments or global opportunities. 

So it’s your call – if you’re willing to do the work then we’re here to help you get the results that are right for you. How quickly you start moving yourself forward is also different for everyone. Some people will see results quickly, whereas it may be a slow burn for others.

I have more questions! I have more questions!

No problem at all! We love questions. You can hit us up at [email protected] and ask any further questions that you need to.

Transform My Career

Option #1: From Hustle to Happy
$998 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $499
Smash your Career Goals for just $166 per week
6 weeks and 35+ expertly crafted online tutorials (Value $3000)
6 Practical Workbooks for each week in the accelerator (Value $294)
BONUS 1: Lifetime Access to the learning portal So You Can Play Them Back as needed (Value $597)
BONUS 2: Get what you want at Work Kit (Value $297)
BONUS 3: Access to our Private community on LinkedIn to ask questions, enjoy bonus LIVE sessions, learn from others, AND cultivate your network with like-minded people (Invaluable)
Option #2: VIP 'Future Proofing Yourself'
$1650 AUD
OR 2x monthly payments $850
Everything in Option #1
1:1 60 Minute Private Career Strategy Session with Claire (Value $650)
Enhance your career and leadership impact even further with an exclusive invitation to work with Claire privately in one of her invite only coaching programs following completion of the program.  
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