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What would happen if your Star Performers left tomorrow?

Do you have a back-up plan in place? Talent that you're nurturing? 
What is a lack of succession planning costing your business?
Nurturing and engaging the top talent within your organisation should be a top priority.

A recent Gallup report (2023) found that employee disengagement is costing the global economy $US8.8 trillion each year. Yes, $US8.8 TRILLION.

$218 billion of that is in Australia, with 4 in 5 employees citing they feel disengaged and disconnected from their work.

Gallup continue to say that there are 5 key drivers required for successful employee engagement - purpose, development, a caring manager, ongoing conversations, and a focus on strengths.

How does your Organisation demonstrate a commitment to these key drivers?
What if I told you that one day is all it takes to ignite change?
The one-day Go-Getter Workshop empowers you to create the standard and the benchmark of how your top talent can drive their own career journey, whilst operating to their full potential inside YOUR organisation.
The Problem:
You’re still evaluating and discovering your top talent, or you haven’t had the chance to do anything considered and consistent to keep this group of high impact individuals motivated, engaged and nurtured.

Perhaps you are losing talent and haven’t had the opportunity to implement a succession plan in preparing your leaders for tomorrow.
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mineral resources
The Solution:
Dive into the minds of your top talent, get to know what motivates them, how to keep them engaged, and what they see as being the key levers for retention for your organisation. Understanding what your employees seek from their next opportunity is key to further optimising your talent attraction strategies and retaining those star performers.

This hands on and practical session provides capability strengthening of your emerging leaders and high potentials with future-proof skills needed to keep driving their and your success.

Equip your emerging, aspiring and high potential talent with an introduction into the key skills, mindsets and tools needed for them to continue having a strong positive impact inside your organisation.

Motivate your top staff to drive their own self-directed learning.

Strengthen engagement and collaboration within your teams.
What if I told you that your top talent are just waiting for the opportunity to share their ideas with you? 
Want to know more? 

How it Works:
One day in person or virtual immersive and interactive workshop with your high potential talent and emerging or aspiring leaders.

Who is it for? 
Organisations who want to support, motivate, retain and develop their top talent in a ‘talent tight’ market.

Teams who are ready to come together and understand more about how they can leverage their strengths together, and build off each other's knowledge, motivations and skills.

Your Investment?
Your Investment into keeping your Top Talent - $8,500 + GST

➡️ We understand that many leaders haven't gone to the school of leadership - they've learnt as they’ve grown in their roles,  and often relied on habits and behaviours they have observed along the way.

➡️This one day intensive provides your talented future leaders with an entrée into the skills, mindsets and strategies they need to be aware of to lead themselves, their teams and your organisation. Best of all - as a leader, you get to keep the peo
ple that you don't want to lose.

Without someone showing you where you need to focus your efforts, you’re likely to continue doing what you’ve always done. 

Continuing to waste time, energy and motivation on things that really aren’t going to get you where you want to go.
I'd like to know more!
claire talking with client
Key Outcomes
➡️ Your top talent feel genuinely valued and invested in, with opportunities for growth

➡️ Increased job satisfaction and employee engagement

➡️ Improved employer brand

➡️ Stronger Talent Pipeline

➡️ Understand what really motivates your go-getters and how you can leverage their insights for better outcomes

➡️ Opportunity for senior leaders to engage with and understand more about the key challenges at the frontline of their organisations and how to tackle them to future-proof themselves.
Hey there! I’m Claire!
Global Career and Leadership Coach. Speaker. Trainer. Podcast Host. Founder of Eating your Cake too. 
I believe that the world needs more heart. More humour. And a greater ability to have real and honest conversations. Human to Human.

With over 15 years’ experience across a range of businesses and industries globally, I have worked with, or for some of the world's most well-known brands including NBC Universal, Fortescue Metals Group, Chevron, Superdry, Mineral Resources and Colgate-Palmolive.

A genuine curiosity and interest in helping others get out of their own ways has driven me to continually refine and cultivate a skillset targeting the enormous untapped potential that sits inside people, teams and organisations.

Your Organisation doesn't need another program telling people WHAT to do. It needs something that co-creates a future that they WANT to be a part of. That your employees feel they are a part of.

Ready to create something special? I am.  
Go-Getter Immersive Add-ons
The Go-Getter Immersive one day session provides a great starting point for organisations ready to engage their top talent and harness their motivation for growth. 

To ensure sustained positive outcomes for your Organisation, we do encourage the inclusion of the Go-Getter add-ons including our targeted future-proof workshops, group coaching sessions, 1:1 accelerate coaching and senior leader playbacks.

Option One - The Ignite Program:

Following your initial Go-Getter Workshop, you get the opportunity to pick 6 workshops specifically targeted to the areas you'd like to focus on for your organisation or team and to upskill your go-getters further in.
Together, we then go deeper into these topics over a 6-month period together.
Workshops are interactive, hands-on and practical.
No death by PowerPoint here! Workshops can also be done in-person, online, or a hybrid approach.
Option Two -The Engage Program:

Consider workshops like university lectures, and group coaching similar to the tutorial - enhance your ROI by introducing an application opportunity for deeper growth.

The Engage Program offers a deeper dive for your top talent to apply their learnings and take action on them in a growth focussed environment via group coaching.

Your aspiring leaders will learn from each other, challenge their own thinking, and in a healthy performance setting put their own action plan in place to apply their workshop learnings back into your organisation.

Six 90 minute Group Coaching Sessions to ensure application of learnings with participants and a platform to share insights, lessons and challenges collaboratively.
Enter your details below to download more information. 
Option Three - Drive Transformational change with the Amplify and Accelerate Program
overview people having meeting
Option Three - Amplify and Accelerate Program:
Teaching and creating space to apply learnings is a strong starting point. The greater opportunity though is in setting your talent up for the future to see what they are really capable of achieving in your organisation.

The Amplify and Accelerate program provides everything that Ignite and Engage offer, and in addition provides a professional platform for your participants to shine individually and for your Senior Leadership Team and core company sponsors to see your succession plans in action.

This is serious ROI+I (Return on Investment + Impact!).
 1:1 Accelerate Targeted Leadership Coaching
1:1 Accelerate Coaching for each participant (12 - 15 program participants are recommended to ensure integrity and intimacy of the program). 360 survey toolkits can also be added to this to ensure a more tareted approach to developmental goals.
how to have a great mid year performance conversation
Playback session and Sponsorship from Senior Leadership Team
A Playback Session to your senior leadership team and core sponsorship team showcasing your ROI on this program in 'real time', and allowing senior leaders to engage in reverse mentoring from their emerging leaders.

Thank you Claire for creating this environment and for guiding us through the program. I now feel confident to take on any challenges that may arise, knowing that there is always the safety net of these resources and the support from the group.

Laura Cornall

This program helped me refocus my priorities, and have some of my confidence back knowing I can do it all with the right tools, the right mindset & the right people in my “court” supporting me. Claire also enabled me to reset where I want to be, truly understand what is important to me in a role & start focusing on where I add value which will give me the right conversation tools me to get that next role. 
Thank you for this program Claire, it was everything I wanted, needed & more!

Danika Burns

What I gained from this program is the strength to align myself with my career aspirations. I had a view of where I was, and what I needed to build on. Working through the 5 Pillars in an organised way has allowed me to makes sense of my journey so far, and lock in my career strategy moving forward.

Kelly Cushman
Imagine an environment of motivated, proactive individuals where everyone is not just engaged, but seeking out the challenges and opportunities? 
The outcome. An Organisation full of capable leaders, game changers and impact players. Your organisation reaps the rewards in spades.

Investing in the growth of your talent means less time (and money!) spent recruiting due to constant attrition, and more time empowering and developing your high potential talent to unleash themselves, get results, and see a future proofed talent pipeline to take you into the future.

Are you ready? 
claire talking with clients meeting
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