Are YOU sabotaging your own career success? [QUIZ]
I know that I am deserving of the success I have had thus far in my career, and not that it happened to me by accident, luck or some sort of ‘fluke’?
I have the ability and the confidence to say NO to something when I need to without feeling guilty after?
I know what my own unique definition of career success is, and I only measure myself based on that (e.g I don’t compare myself to others)?
I know that I am good enough, and I don’t seek validation from others to feel valued?
I know what makes me unique and can easily articulate the value that I bring to my Organisation and Team with ease?
I feel confident to speak up, share my opinions and put my ideas out on the table at work?
When I am given a compliment, I can comfortably respond with “Thankyou” and not feel awkward?
I feel able to ask my boss for a pay increase, promotion or other opportunity with confidence because I know my worth and what I deserve?
I know what my signature strengths are and what my own personal unique selling proposition is?
I have a career game plan that combines all the essential elements for career success including brand, relationships, performance, future fit and mindset?
I will apply for a job or a promotion that excites me even if I feel like I need another qualification or a bit more experience first (a.k.a I don't meet ALL of the job requirements).
I have a career strategy to get me where I want to go outside of just working harder and hoping someone will notice?
I have people in my world that play the key roles needed for my career and leadership success - eg coach mentor, sponsor, connector?
I am aware of what my current barriers are (eg. not managing time well, bad sleep patterns, not enough exercise, overthinking, self-limiting beliefs etc) that could be derailers for me reaching my full potential, and I have plans in place to manage them?
I feel confident and able to talk about my achievements and work successes. I’m not worried at all about ‘tooting my own horn’, or coming across as ‘braggy’.
I have a current resume and Linkedin profile that I know showcase the unique value that I bring and will make me stand out in a crowded market?
I see myself as being on equal footing with other people – e.g I don’t look around a meeting table/room and question whether I deserve to be there.